Wednesday 25 May 2011

The Language of Flowers

The language of flowers was a Victorian means of communication, it was for those who wanted to express their feelings but couldn't find the words or wanted to send a coded message. We all know what the red rose symbolises and here are a few more favourite blooms and what they mean:

Anemone - forsaken, sickness, unfading love
Aster - symbol of love, daintiness, talisman of love
Azalea - take care, temperance, fragile, passion
Begonia - beware, a fanciful nature
Buttercup - riches
Cabbage - profit
Carnations - Red means "My heart aches for you"
                    White is sweet and lovely, innocence
                    Pink means "I'll never forget you"
                    Yellow means "You have disappointed me"
                    Purple means whimsical and unreliable
Cherry Blossom - a good education
Crysanthemum - Red means "I love"
                            Yellow means slighted love
Daffodil - uncertainty, chivalry, unrequited love
Daisy - innocence, loyal love, purity, faith, simplicity
Forget-me-not - true love
Hollyhock - ambition
Honeysuckle - devoted affection, bonds of love
Ivy - dependence, endurance
Lavender - devotion, distrust
Lilac - Purple symbolises the first emotion of love
           White is for youthful innocence, memories, purity
Lily - purity (white)
Lotus - purity, chastity, elegance
Magnolia - love of nature
Marigold - pain and grief
Mint - suspicion
Morning Glory - love in vain
Olive - peace
Orchid - refined beauty
Peach blossom - long life, generosity, bridal hope
Pear blossom - lasting friendship
Peony - shame, bashfulness
Plum blossom - beauty and longevity
Poppy - eternal sleep, oblivion, imagination
Rose - Dark pink means gratitude
           Light pink is desire, passion, joy, youth
           Red and white together means "united"
           Thornless means "love at first sight"
Snowdrop - consolation or hope
Sunflower - pure and lofty thoughts
Thistle - Nobility
Tulip - Red means "a declaration of love"
            Yellow is "hopeless love"
Violet - Blue stands for faithfulness
             White means modesty
Wheat - wealth and prosperity
